How can I use’s free services?
At, we’ve got a ton of tools you can use for free.
On our free plan, you can:
- Create outstanding CVs from scratch using our CV builder
- Craft compelling cover letters with our user-friendly templates
- Download your CVs and cover letters for free
- Browse our library of CV templates and examples here
- Search for jobs and apply for them in our Google Chrome extension
- Edit your CVs and cover letters with ease
Our trial gives you access to our premium features for 7 days. After 7 days, your plan will automatically renew to a monthly subscription. You can cancel your account any time by accessing your account settings in the top right corner of the app.
The trial gives you access to premium features for 7 days and automatically renews to a monthly subscription. You can cancel your account anytime from the account menu in the top right corner of the app.
How to download a TXT file for free
After you’ve created your CV, you can download it for free by downloading your CV as a TXT file. A TXT file contains text only without our premium design templates. If you’d like to download your CV using one of our design templates, you can upgrade your account on our website. When you download the TXT file, you can open the file on your device, highlight the text and then copy and paste the text into a word processing app like Google Docs or Word, where you can format and style the text. Although you can only download your CVs as TXT files on our free plan, you can download your cover letters as a PDF or TXT file.
To download a TXT file of your CV, log in to your account and access your Dashboard. Click the main menu for your CV and cover letter and download your TXT file from there. It should look something like this: